在此特別紀錄賓州大學的中英文詞性列表,以方便查詢,上圖是英文的詞性列表 (POS tagset),說明如下:
英文詞性列表 (POS tagset):
範例 |
1. | CC | 連接詞 (Coordinating conjunction) | and |
2. | CD | 數字 (Cardinal number) | one, two, three |
3. | DT | 定冠詞 (Determiner) | the |
4. | EX | 代表有東西存在的there (Existential there) | there |
5. | FW | 外來字 (Foreign word) | jieba (中文:結巴) |
6. | IN | 介係詞或者從屬連接詞 (Preposition or subordinating conjunction) | in (in the park) |
7. | JJ | 形容詞 (Adjective) | simple |
8. | JJR | 比較級形容詞 (Adjective, comparative) | simpler |
9. | JJS | 最高級形容詞 (Adjective, superlative) | simplest |
10. | LS | 列表符號 (List item marker) | 1. |
11. | MD | 助動詞 (Modal) | can |
12. | NN | 單數名詞 (Noun, singular or mass) | car or people |
13. | NNS | 複數名詞 (Noun, plural) | cars |
14. | NNP | 單數專有名詞 (Proper noun, singular) | |
15. | NNPS | 複數專有名詞 (Proper noun, plural) | |
16. | PDT | 前限定詞 (Predeterminer) | both or a lot of |
17. | POS | Possessive ending | |
18. | PRP | 人稱代名詞 (Personal pronoun) | I, he, she, you |
19. | PRP$ | 所有格代名詞 (Possessive pronoun) | her, his |
20. | RB | 副詞 (Adverb) | early |
21. | RBR | 比較級副詞 (Adverb, comparative) | earlier |
22. | RBS | 最高級副詞 (Adverb, superlative) | earliest |
23. | RP | 字尾 (Particle) | |
24. | SYM | 符號 (Symbol) | ! |
25. | TO | 代表 to 這個字 (to) | to |
26. | UH | 感嘆詞 (Interjection) | wow |
27. | VB | 動詞, 原型 (Verb, base form) | have |
28. | VBD | 動詞,過去式 (Verb, past tense) | had |
29. | VBG | 動詞,進行式或現在分詞 (Verb, gerund or present participle) | having |
30. | VBN | 動詞,過去分詞 (verb, past participle) | taken |
31. | VBP | 動詞非第三人稱單數 (Verb, non-3rd person singular present) | take |
32. | VBZ | 動詞第三人稱單數 (Verb, 3rd person singular present) | takes |
33. | WDT | Wh開頭的定冠詞 (Wh-determiner) | what (What is the car?) |
34. | WP | Wh開頭的代名詞 (Wh-pronoun) | which (Take a rest which is the best choice) |
35. | WP$ | 所有格 (Possessive wh-pronoun) | whose |
36. | WRB | Wh開頭的副詞 (Wh-adverb) | who |
中文詞性列表 (Chinese POS tagset):
範例 |
1. | AD | 副詞 (adverb) | 也 |
2. | AS | aspect marker | 着 |
3. | BA | 把 (in ba-construction) | 把 |
4. | CC | 對等連接詞 (coordinating conjunction) | 和 |
5. | CD | 數字 (cardinal number) | 一百 |
6. | CS | 從屬連接詞 (subordinating conjunction) | 虽然 |
7. | DEC | 的 (in a relative-clause) | 的 |
8. | DEV | 地 (before VP) | 地 |
9. | DT | 定冠詞 (determiner) | 这 |
10. | ETC | for words 等, 等等 | 等, 等等 |
11. | FW | foreign words | A |
12. | IJ | interjection | 哈哈 |
13. | JJ | other noun-modifer | 新 |
14. | LB | 被 in long bei-const | 被 |
15. | LC | localizer | 里 |
16. | M | measure word | 个 |
17. | MSP | other particle | 所 |
18. | NN | common noun | 工作 |
19. | NR | proper noun | 中国 |
20. | NT | temporal noun | 目前 |
21. | OD | ordinal number | 第一 |
22. | ON | 狀聲詞 (onomatopoeia) | |
23. | P | Prepositions (excluding 把 and 被) | 在 |
24. | PN | 代名詞 (pronoun) | 我 |
25. | PU | 標點符號 (punctuation) | 标点 |
26. | SB | 被 in short bei-const | 被 |
27. | SP | sentence-final particle | 吗 |
28. | VA | 述語形容詞 (predicative adjective) | 好 |
29. | VC | copula | 是 |
30. | VE | 有 as the main verb | 有 |
31. | VV | other verbs | 要 |
32. | X | numbers and units, mathematical sign | 59mm |